Fish Stocking
Fish stocking has been a core offering for Sweetwater Fishereis Group for over 20 years! With our innovative organic hatchery feeding program, Sweetwater achieves an exceptional level of fish health and quality. Starting with genetically superior stock, our state inspected gamefish are reared in uncrowded natural environments, resulting in naturally wild and vibrant fish. SFG can provide your pond, lake or stream fishery with the highest quality gamefish species for your ultimate recreational experience.
Sweetwater has a wide variety of sizes and species to cover all of your fish stocking needs. For those looking for tropy trout, our proprietary rearing process and organic feeding regime has the capability to raise trout to 16 pounds!
A brief list of some of our exceptional and popular species:
- Donaldson Steelhead Trout
- Kamloops Rainbow Trout
- Eagle Lake Rainbow Trout
- Soda Lake Brown Trout
- Snake River Cutthroat Trout
- Tiger Trout
Contact us for all your supplemental fish stocking needs: 970.227.5933

Soda Lake Brown Trout

Kamloops Rainbow Trout

Snake River Cutthroat Trout

Donaldson Rainbow Trout

Eagle Lake Rainbow Trout

Tasmanian Rainbow Trout